Composition :
Potassium Peroxomono Sulphate Triple Salt. 52%
Amido Sulfonic Acid 12%
Sodium Salt of LAB 10%
Dicarboxylic acid (HO2CCH2CHOHCO2H) 7%
Calgon S 5%
Sodium Chloride 2%
Buffers & Excipments 12%
POND PREPARATION - 500 - 1000 gms / acre
V-CURE to be mixed in 100 Ltrs water and to be sprayed uniformily till entire pond get wetted
Regular Sanitation - 300 - 500 gms/acre/week
During Disease Outbreak - 1000 gms / acre
It prevents scaling by softening water,normalizing the alkalinity and
hardness in water.
V-CURE is a new generation broad - spectrum aquaculture disinfectant with
indepedently proven efficacy against virus, bacteria, fungi, and microbial spores.
V-CURE is an Oxygen based disinfectant containing simple organic salts and
organic acids. It consists of a balanced stabilized blend of peroxygen componds,
organic acids, surfactant, and an inorganic buffer system.
The active substance
in V-CURE potassium peroxomonosulphate triple salt.
V-CURE works primarily by oxidizing proteins and other components of cell proto
plasm, resulting in inhibition of enzyme systems and loss of cell wall integrity.
V-CURE does not contain any harsh chemicals and does not work as a chemical
poison like the other disinfectants. Instead of being a single chemical compound.
V-CURE is in fact a mixture of 6 different biocides all designed to work together in
harmony against different physical and chemical structures within the micro
These give the product unparalleled range of anti microbial activity and potency
even under relatively high organic matter loads which degrade efficacy of other